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Thanks and Enjoy,
Josette LeBlanc

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How Not to Fail at a New Year's Resolution

Now that Christmas is sadly over with, it is time to turn our efforts to the New Year.  Everyone is talking about their New Year Resolution.  I truly hate this time of year, because you say your going to do something and inevitably it will fail because it is set up to fail from the beginning.  Let me explain.  First, you are supposed to set some lofty goal for the entirety of the upcoming year.  Tell me how this is supposed to succeed.  A goal for an entire year are you kidding me!  Second, you are supposed to stick with this goal all year and hopefully  (I do mean HOPEFULLY) reach it by the end of the year.  There is no system here.  There is no baby steps to success.  I have always been an advocate of system and procedure.  So here is my go at a procedure to help you and ME reach our lofty New Year's Resolutions.  

Step 1: Set your Resolution - For me I am sticking to the tried and true lose weight and exercise more resolution.  
Step 2: Break your Resolution into manageable steps according to months - For example, I would say want to lose 10 pounds in the first month by eating correctly.
Step 3: Break your Monthly steps into manageable daily steps - For example, I might create a meal plan that will help me keep on track.
Step 4: Keep record of your progress - For example, I could record my weight and food intake in a daily food journal
Step 5: Reward, Reward, Reward - every time you reach your monthly goal - reward yourself.  - For example, I might buy myself a new outfit at the end of the month if I lose my 10 pounds I had set out to do.

Now that you have taken the time to strategically plan out your New Year's Resolution, and detail out your carry out plan, you will be more likely to stay on track and gain at least a portion of your New Year's Goals.
I hope this has helped you!  To further help you I have created an easy to use New Year's Resolution Planning Guide that outlines these five steps.  Just click on the link below.

New Year's Resolution Planning Guide

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